zen ki yoga®
The most effective healing system you will ever learn...

Live in-person classes:
Kings Cross Community Centre - Wednesdays, 6.15 - 7 pm
and 11.45 am - 12.30 pm Tuesdays ( purchase class or pass here >>> )
Press 'Macleay Room' buzzer for access. You have to do this twice - there are two doors, then come up the stairs and turn left and keep turning left until you find the 'Macleay Room'.
You can access classes whenever you like with your monthly or yearly subscription. www.zenkiyoga.com Our App has over 100 unique classes available at the App Store or Google Play (if you have the online subscription, you get the app automatically added - we will email you with instructions).

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Zen Ki Yoga® really is the most effective healing system you'll ever learn and so different from anything you've ever done before.
There are lots of different forms of yoga, but Zen Ki Yoga® is a Japanese form of yoga based on the healing massage, Zen Shiatsu using the meridians the same as an acupuncturist would - without the needles. We use body movement and specific positions to access the meridians and even the actual organs. This approach to working with the body makes Zen Ki Yoga® different to any other form of yoga you would have experienced before.
While we occasionally do Salute to the Suns, they are not the basis of our classes and infact, you may go for months without even doing one!! You have to try Zen Ki Yoga® to really understand what we do and just how powerful it can be.
A high proportion of our classes are done lying on the back and front of the body so as to work intensely on the internal body. Part of our philosophy is that if we fix the internal body, the digestive organs, the reproductive system, the circulation, the respiration, the hormones and all other 'internal' parts, the appearance of the outer body, our moods, emotions and behaviour change.
Our classes are often quite specific with the positioning of your body right down to the hands and feet to ensure that you actually access each meridian and to assure your safety.
Classes are also seasonal!!! As the weather changes, your body changes and therefore so should your yoga. Zen Ki Yoga® classes align your body with the changes of the season so that you stay in optimal health through out the entire year by concentrating on the appropriate meridians/organs for that season according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the 5 element theory.
The best way to understand what Zen Ki Yoga® TRY A CLASS!!! You can do this easily and cost effectively with our ONLINE classes or book a private session with Janie.
Our Penrith studio closed in winter 2016 so we can concentrate on expanding Zen Ki Yoga® all over the world...