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Go deeper with your Zen Ki  Yoga®!!!

We have a range of options for you to study with us...
For workshops in Sydney, Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Los Angeles, Fort Lauderdale, London and Manchester, hover over the 'training/study' link above for the drop down menu.
Workshops include Back Pain Therapy, Anatomy for yoga teachers and body workers, meridians, weight loss yoga, yoga wheel, women's health and more...
Other options from the drop down menus are:
  • full teacher training diploma - by distant education program includes some face-to-face time
  • post graduate online short courses - we are now offering Zen Ki Yoga teacher training modules to all yoga teachers of any style, personal fitness trainers and other body workers.  This training is online and very comprehensive and we have made it easy to learn!! There are several opportunities throughout the year to consolidate your knowledge with a live workshop with Janie in Sydney, Canberra, Los Angeles and other locations throughout the year. see more info>>> 
  • online short course on poses - this course is completely online and shows you the basic poses for each meridian (over 100 poses + access to our online classes for 3 months - the duration of the course) Earn CPD pts.  Go directly to to sign up!!!
 All courses will give you CPD with Yoga Australia and other associations.
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