zen ki yoga®
The most effective healing system you will ever learn...

Teacher Training - Wednesday schedule 7 - 8.30 pm
Face-to-face teacher training is now available with Janie on Wednesday nights at the Kings Cross Community Centre from 7 - 8.30 pm. The community centre is at the side of the Rex Building at 50 Macleay Street, Potts Point. The entrance is opposite the kids playground and beside Maggie's Restaurant. From Macleay Street, walk towards the Gazebo building, past the post office and Maggie's Restaurant to the glass sliding doors.
Teacher training is FREE for the modules you have purchased for our online courses. If you wish to join an evening you haven't signed up for, you can purchase a pass to attend, live or via Zoom for $55 here >>> Notes are provided where applicable for casual attendees. If you decide to purchase the course, we will discount you the $55 pass fee.
Teacher Training Schedule:
Wednesday, 16 August - Intro to teacher training, the principles of yin & yang and the 5-element theory
23 & 30 August + 6 September - The water element poses (different poses covered each week).
13 & 20 September - The wood element poses (different poses covered each week).
27 September & 4 October - The fire element poses
11 & 18 October - no training - teaching in London, UK.
25 October + 1 November The earth element poses
break on 8 November to catchup
15 November The metal element poses
break on 8 November to review
29 November The metal element poses
break on 6 December to review
13 December The metal element poses
Coming - Anatomy & Physiology - Bone & Muscle location, fascia, skin, fat, joints, ligaments, tendons.review digestive, nervous, reproductive, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, immune systems. Please review these for 2024 31 January start.
2024 schedule will begin from 31 January with Fire element (details for 2024 to come).